Welcome to Season Two

(Transcript from the introduction to season two)

Hey hi hello. You are listening to A SHOT podcast. I’m your host and interviewer Aaron Richter. This isn’t a new episode quite yet, but I wanted to welcome everyone back for what I’m calling our second season. It’s been a while. A couple years in fact. 

For anyone unfamiliar, every episode of the show, I ask a photographer to pick one of their images to discuss in depth. The only guideline I give is that the photo shouldn’t be “THE” shot but simply “A” shot, and they’re open to interpret that however they want. My intention is to discourage the pressure of picking the absolute best, finest, career-defining work but just to focus more on something each artists might be interested in at the moment. 

I have two new episodes ready to go and more in the works. But I wanted to take a quick moment and ask for a bit of help. Producing this show is a lot of work, and the handful of costs are what have stopped me from making new episodes for the past two years. I have a donate button on the About page of our Web site, ashotpodcast.com. Please consider a donation to help me keep this project going. Even just $5 or $10 goes a long way to cover my hosting costs with Squarespace. Give a little now and you’ll keep me honest and feeling like I owe it to you all to keep making more episodes.

The two interviews I recorded in March are with photographers Caroline Tompkins and Mary Frey. I’m excited to share them with you. But for now, I’m gonna run it back to episode 16, a conversation I had in February 2021 with Gioncarlo Valentine about a photo he made of a woman and her family in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.


Ep 026: Caroline Tompkins


Ep 025: Chris Buck